
Fitness, Wellness
Peach Studios Ltd

Revolutionary 1-on-1 Coaching Experience. Amo brings the next generation of online coaching. Introducing our first trainer, James Middleton.

The Problem

It’s common to think that the problem with fitness is people’s lack of motivation, know-how, confidence etc. We believe that the problem with fitness is that people are working out alone – it’s tough to push yourself through pain, it’s tough to know what combination of exercises are best for you, it’s tough to master the exact technique of complex exercises and it’s boring to do something alone for a prolonged period of time. Yet people are too harsh on themselves when they believe they are the problem. Fitness is the problem, not you!

We believe the actual problem is that most people are working out alone and can’t afford to have access to coaches. Most sports depend on having a coach to overcome such challenges and we believe it shouldn’t be different with fitness – we believe everyone deserves a coach.

The Solution

Our mobile platform harnesses the power of audio and video to deliver a coached experience to the mass market so no one has to ever train alone. Imagine a coach holding your hand throughout the whole journey from planning workouts, nutritional guidance and motivation.

The coach will always be there whenever you workout at the gym and at home. Our coach will be in your ear guiding and pushing you through the workout. Never train alone.

Ready to start working on your next big idea?

Get in touch!