
Car Services
Dropless Ltd

Introducing Dropless— an app for all your car servicing needs on demand from car washing, repairs and damages, oil changing, MOT and more.

The Challenge

The problem is that the market is extremely fragmented when it comes to your car servicing needs. First, you need to diagnose the problem, search for the possible solutions and contact many service providers. This is an extremely long winded and backward process.

The Solution

Dropless is on a mission to offer a frictionless and uber like experience to take care of all your car servicing needs. Just connect your smart car to the app and we can present your car related issues and stats on the app. Based on this, we recommend potential services that your car needs with our trusted providers.

Just add your car’s location and tap to dispatch the provider to come wherever your car is located. With a smart remote key, the user can grant access to the service to perform the job.

Dropless is on a mission to offer a frictionless and uber like experience to take care of all your car servicing needs

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